What are hsyk’s main publications? 

hsyk and company publishes across a variety of platforms, and the great majority of our external content is available here on hsyk.net.  

This includes articles, white papers, reports, videos, and podcasts. 

Can I reprint or distribute hsyk publications? 

hsyk.net users can download and print PDF copies of our publications for personal-business, educational, and informational purposes. 

Academic institutions may request permission to reprint or distribute content on hsyk.net through Copyright Clearance Center (CCC). 

To request permission, please visit Copyright.com. 

Nonacademic organizations may request permission by writing to info@hsyk.net Please allow two to four weeks for us to review and reply to your request. 

We do not authorize the use of our content for promotional, sales, or marketing purposes. Please note that we do not supply customized reprints. 

How do I obtain permission to republish an article or an excerpted exhibit? 

hsyk and company allows select publications to republish our articles and exhibits, subject to approval. To request permission to republish an article or exhibit, online or in print, please write to info@hsyk.net  with the following information: 

    • title and publication date of the article or exhibit you would like to republish 

    • name and brief background of your organization 

    • where online you intend to post the material, the print run of your publication, or the number of photocopies you wish to distribute 

    • for excerpted exhibits, details of the context in which the exhibit will appear (for example, the chapter or section and the surrounding text) 

    • contact name for your permissions manager, if applicable 

Please note that our reprint licensing policy does not permit altering articles in any way, translating them into other languages, or creating edited excerpts or summaries. We allow select publications to excerpt our exhibits, subject to approval. 

We ask that our content be used only for educational, informational, or editorial purposes. We do not authorize the use of our content for sales, marketing, business, or promotional purposes. 

Please allow two to four weeks for us to review and reply to your request. 

Does hsyk accept article submissions? 

While the majority of our articles are written by hsyk and company consultants,Contracted institutions and alumni, we do accept submissions from external thought leaders and practitioners. The bar is the same for all authors: we look for thinking that is novel, useful, and rigorously substantiated. For external contributors, we also attach weight to work that sheds light on topics that are a priority for our firm and to submissions from recognized leaders in their field. 

To explore whether hsyk might be interested in publishing your work, please email us at info@hsyk.net. We review both drafts and proposals. If your submission holds promise, we will be in touch to discuss the content and clarify our editorial process. 

For more details : info@hsyk.net